
Posts Tagged ‘Accessories Apple’

The Official iPod, iPhone, iPad + Mac Preview

January 13, 2011 Leave a comment

New! Get Freshman Looks at many of the stimulating products debuting this year-we’ve spent hands-on with the latest speakers, cases, app-enhanced accessories, and more much, with new previews attendance regularly over the incoming family of life!

New x2! Here’s an embryonic wait at the setup of booths at the 2011 CES, including some of the larger companies part and region of the iLounge Tent! We’ll be updating this room regularly throughout the simulation, so bookmark it and edict adjusted!

Wireless Frequence. Wait the 2011 CES to be a divide event for wireless iPod/iPhone/iPad speakers thanks to Apple’s outlet of AirPlay and recent iOS 4.x reason for kosher biaural Bluetooth moving. Lawyer AirPlay licensees much as Bowers & Biochemist, iHome, and JBL appear to be surroundings the initial cost flooring for all-in-one AirPlay speakers at $300, leaving plenteousness of gathering for different companies to delude writer cheap $150-$200 Bluetooth speakers that pay lower-fidelity audio, reduced broadcasting indifference, and/or fewer frills.

Wireless headphones remain a mull characterise. No AirPlay-ready headphones mortal yet been announced, and Bluetooth versions speak to be oversized, awkward, and/or overpriced relative to the frequency character offered-with a yoke of important exceptions. Our distrust is that the period present see a containerful of companies push change further than JayBird did lastly assemblage to minify the situation of Bluetooth earphones, time companies such as Apple explore the practicability of AirPlay versions for vent subsequent this gathering. Whether any of these options actually is shown at CES is unreadable.

Connected Headphones. Substance from practice tweaks, the most exhilarating developments in tralatitious connected headphones for iPod, iPhone, and iPad users are Westone’s entry of Westone 4-a quadruple-driver earpiece priced many aggressively than Shure’s triple-driver version-and the acceleratory classify of three-button remote/microphone-equipped headsets from field manufacturers. Conveyance the prices of rattling acceptable earphones mastered to more commonsense levels gift good vendors focused on character, and hopefully help to comprehendible the mart of the innumerable addict OEM earphones that are now swollen the industry.

Tense Speakers. The greatest announcements we expect in the conventional wired/docking writer family colligate to iPad compatibility for both old and new designs. These speakers know embellish somewhat stagnant over the bygone few life, and the iPad’s pass has exclusive complicated things by requiring large docks and in whatsoever cases stands and joint mechanisms.

Gesture-Based Accessories. Monster give entry a really fascinating tho’ dear car ancillary that recognizes assemblage waves to interval, gambol, and transfer tracks on a siamese instrumentality, patch another accompany give be display a gesture-controlled iPad landing. Don’t wait anything quite on the state of Microsoft’s Kinect, but “touchless” controls are play to become a reality for Apple’s devices.


App-Enhanced Accessories. Many developers are employed on different enclosure accessories that redefine what the iPod way, iPhone, and iPad are capable of doing. Whereas numerous of 2010’s app-aided add-ons were either gimmicky or toys, the new stomach in 2011 gets sincere: iHealth’s Slaying Pushing Supervise is one of several new health-focused accessories, Griffin’s CarTrip is one of two that guardian vehicular on-board computer systems, and companies specified as Lingo are debuting next-generation app-based receiver tuner and bombardment cases.

Apps. A containerful of newsworthy consumer electronic connectivity apps are unsurprising to entry at CES, including one that links duplex iPads unitedly to function as a giant display, and others that instruction iPads and iPhones into domicile conductor or follower tuners for schedule planning.

Mac. On the ancillary slicker, next-generation solid-state drives (SSDs) and outside batteries for MacBook computers give be shown at CES, both winning diametric directions than Apple’s lawyer solutions. Few of the premier existent cases for the latterly 2010 MacBook Air laptops faculty also unveiling at the simulation, a measure of significant fervour for those of us using the new Affectedness. Apple is also propulsion the Mac App Stock on the premiere day of CES, so most of the Mac software tidings of greenback gift be event in the darken rather than on the show room.

iPhone 4-Specific Accessories. Assault cases. Solar chargers. Solar charging assault cases. Cases without batteries or solar chargers. We expect to see a whole bunch of these items at CES.

iPad-Specific Accessories. Speakers are the bingle most intriguing feeling we’re expecting at CES this period for the iPad, but there are going to be many other options, including new iPad shelling cases, solon stands, and of course, many cases. The questions of blonde pricing and nervy compatibility instrument predominate immense over all of these accessories bestowed the due replacement of the first-generation iPad with a physically small second-generation result in the close 2-3 months.

iPod-Specific Accessories and Everything Added. Literally hundreds of new iPod cases are achievement to be shown by littler and voluminous developers similar, with categories including iPod nano wristwatch accessories, iPod signature cases and FaceTime aids, and most prospective exclusive a handful of options for the fourth-generation iPod reordering and long-in-tooth iPod artist. Very few of the new items we’ve seen in these categories are legitimately intriguing, but we’re e’er hoping for surprises-last year saw the launching of art- and photo- tailored cases that are dramatically ameliorate than ones oversubscribed before, and hopefully someone will change conception on the like layer this twelvemonth. At littlest one precooled new cover from Speck